Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We are NOT! what is wrong!

Something is wrong, something is very, very wrong, here. And it is Al Gore. The former vice president has really shown he has some serious screws loose.

The debate is over! Al Gore is an idiot! !

He has said what I believe their aim is all along - that the best thing would be the destruction of the human race. He said "We are what is wrong." I can't wait till they are all proved wrong. I just saw a news story that said a lot of the coastline in California will be gone with in 3 to 7 years. They claim the ice caps will melt and the sea will rise 30 to 300 feet depending on what nut you talk too. Does anyone know what happens when you freeze water? ? It expands. Try freezing a soda or bottle of water, the container breaks. Thaw it out and have less volume. So if the ice caps melt the water level will go down.

We are not causing global warming! The Scandinavian Moose and cows are more to blame. They release way more CO2 than we do.

There is no reason to be scared about global warming. What you need to be scared about is Al Gore and all his ilk.


Anonymous said...

Sadly we are the problem, if the ice that was melting was in the water I would agree with you. But it's ice that is over land, so it has no effect on the current water levels.

imquitefinished@aim.com for more discussion.

Anonymous said...

If it's true that the ice is over land, why do they always show big glaciers (which are all ice) falling in to the ocean and claim that is what will cause the oceans to rise? We get a lot of ice and snow in the winter season around the world and it doesn't cause the oceans to rise in the spring.

The future can't be predicted With such little amount data. Why were temperatures warmer in the early part of the century before we spewed so much CO2?

This theory that is being portrayed as "truth" is being put forth by dictatorial communistic/fascist people that want to control our lives. They have this game they like to play - Say there is a problem where there isn't to make us all afraid, then make government force us to change our lives, by causing us hell, and making themselves alot of money, then when it doesn't happen (it never would have anyway), they can say they are the hero for "saving" us.

When nothing happens in 10 years we'll know who is right.