Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crying Wolf

You maybe able to tell that I don't believe many of the scares they try to perpetuate. They've cried wolf too many times. A big scare lately has been lead in the paint on toys made China. I am not going to loose any sleep over it.

These people over react then find out they messed things up worse and then disappear and will never claim responsibility or have to pay for their screw up. DDT for example - there was such a scare and now we are finding out that millions of people die from malaria that could be prevented. See

These people can't recant or they will be out of a job.

Here are some of the things I remember at the moment they've cried wolf over.

Eggs are bad - - oops sorry they're good
Oatmeal - - same
Apples - - Alar oops again
Butter is bad, use margarine - - oops margarine is bad, use butter
Asbestos, take it out - - oops leave it in.
Pesticides are bad, use organic - - oops people are getting sick from organic because pesticides aren't being used.

I am sure there are plenty of other examples and that is why I am so skeptical of scare mongers who have cried wolf for so long.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hollywood Liberal Bias

It was like the pot calling the kettle black last night on "Boston Legal" on the 2007-08 season fall premiere. I pretty much like the characters on the show but can't stand the liberal claptrap then espouse that defies logic. The lies they tell confirm the acronym GIGO - garbage in - garbage out!

The premise of one of the story lines was oil companies were donating money to colleges to slant studies. They seem to believe the lie that academics are without bias. HUH!!!

The opposition lawyer got liberals right when she said they've been complaining that oil companies don't care about the environment, now when they start caring the liberals complain about that. That's just what they do - the have no ideas, they just "feel" and complain. They just have to look good - how shallow.

There is no Global Warming !!! Common sense should tell you that. The earth has been here for 4000 to 4 million years and we have reliable data for 50 to 100 years which is such a sliver of time any idiot can see you can't predict the future from such a small amount of data. It's all about control - the Democrats & Liberals want to take your freedom! They claim they're the party of choice - HUH!!! As long as you choose their way - sounds like commuism to me.

Microwave Popcorn Butter - Here we go again!

You would think there would be better & more important things for Congress to do than to contemplate banning microwave popcorn butter. When are the scare mongers going to just STOP!!! They'll scare you over anything. Just - Don't Be Scared.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Again I say . . . STOP! !

I just ate some Cinnamon Life cereal last night and I am mad again. They changed the flavor! And it's not that good! I am very tired of companies being pressured to change products. I've noticed and believe I've heard in the news that cereal companies are changing their formulas.

Honeycomb changed theirs a while ago & I don't like it anymore either. So did Trix. I used to like Trix when I was a kid, but now it's terrible. They've added flavors that don't match.

But the main thing is the few loud idiots spreading lies & myths about health and the companies have no choice but to change out of fear of lawyers & idiotic lawsuits.

It's time to repeal all laws and ban all lawyers from the earth. Maybe we can send them to the space station, well on second thought, there is too many of them, we'll have to build a moon base and send them there.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

PLEASE.....Just STOP!!!

I am getting so sick and tired!! Actually I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! On this morning's news I heard more idiocy. Yet another "study" on cell phone use & the chance of getting cancer. And yet another different result from the other thousand useless studies on the subject. So much money is wasted on these studies and all they want to do is scare you so they can get your money somehow. It's all about the money!

How many times have we been told something is bad for you and then later it's actually good for you? Thousands!

Then I heard another crock. Stop eating meat and you'll help stop Global Warming. This *#@! on Global Warming is the biggest *#$!@*# lie that has ever been perpetuated. A five year old could tell you eating meat has nothing to do with Global Warming. You have to go to college to be so stupid!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Can't Trust the News

A sad thing happened last week, two elderly people died from the unbearable heat in Los Angeles. Every time it was covered in the news I heard a different story.

First, it was reported that it was 117° in the house & the second report said it was 110° in the house. The third said the man was in a wheel chair & the woman couldn't reach the thermostat. The fourth said they were conserving energy because they couldn't pay for it.

This isn't an isolated incident, the news isn't reliable at all. Their is usually a "cause", an agenda. They've cried wolf so many times I wouldn't believe it if they reported the sky was blue!