Sunday, January 27, 2008

Playing with Statistics

Here is some playing with statistics for you! I guess they have to lie to try to justify something so wrong and bad for you. All they care about is the physical and not the spiritual and I wouldn't even believe their statistics on the physical part. They claim Oral Contraceptives Cut Ovarian Cancer Risk. For starters you can't say that so many of something didn't happen, there is no way to prove it but people just aren't schooled enough to know when they are being lied to. The spiritual effects of using artificial contraception and far reaching and hard to overcome. It is not acceptable to do something wrong so that good can come of it, no matter what.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Caffeine and Cell Phones

I heard two things on the morning TV shows yesterday that made my blood boil because it was just more idiocy on how they just want to scare us all.

The first was that two studies were contradictory on the effects of caffeine in pregnant women. The body is such a complex organism that what affects one person may not affect another. They seem to think we are all the same and one thing will help or hurt us all. Then I read in the NY Times a headline "Pregnancy Problems Tied to Caffeine" and at eh end of the article a Dr Westhoff is quoted with the true agenda of these researchers “Just interviewing women, over half of whom had already had their miscarriage, does not strike me as the best way to get at the real scientific question here,” she said. “But it is an excellent way to scare women.”

The second was on the effects of cell phone use before you go to sleep. What is the difference in using at any other time of the day. What really got me was the obvious waste of funding for such an idiotic study in the first place. They waste their time studying this when by the time a conclusion is arrived at the technology will have advanced so far that the study will not matter. Are Cell Phone Health Issues Really Settled?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Playing With Numbers

A few days ago there was a news story about (I believe) Citibank losing billions of dollars from all the foreclosures. I don't believe it because they love to lie to us just so we are scared, they love to play on fear, they are sure they will get their way because we let them scare us. They love to play with numbers, let me explain how I believe they inflate them. Lets say someone bought a house for $150,000, during the 30 years of the mortgage someone will be paying for it they will pay near $450,000 back to the lender. So, now let's say the person can't pay the monthly payment and the bank gets the house and will later sell it probably for near the price of the original loan so with the money the original owner did pay, the bank didn't lose anything or maybe very little. Here's where they make you think they lost a lot of money, they were supposed to get $300,000 over the amount of the loan and they are telling you they lost money they didn't even have in the first place. That's how they scare you. How can you lose money you don't have? I guess I have lost a lot of money because I haven't played the lottery and could have won millions.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Government Control

I was told recently that "this is a free country" and I said that it used to be but it isn't very free anymore. This weekend the NY Times ran a story about Lack of Supervision Noted in Deaths of Home-Schooled. So much for freedom. What business is it of the government to tell me how to school or raise or whatever I want with my kids? There is always some slightly good reason to stop the idiots and we all end up paying with less and less freedom.

Another new story tells the same thing is happening to MySpace also. They have the good intention of stopping child predators but the rules they put into place will certainly disrupt our freedoms.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Golden Compass

There is a lot of things you don't need to be scared about - that is the purpose of this blog - but this is something you should be at least very wary (cautious, suspicious, distrustful, guarded, careful) about if not downright scared. The author is unapologetic about the purpose of the film.

Links to good articles about how bad the movie is to see:
The Golden Compass Brings Nietzsche to Narnia
His Dark Materials
Sympathy for the devil: thoughts on 'The Golden Compass

Rain in L.A.

People complain that the beaches are erroding and aren't being replenished. So now that a natural dry season is being followed by a wet season, they are complaining about the possibility of landslides which are supposed to make their way to the beach to replenish it. People build houses in river beds and at the mouth of a river like New Orleans and wonder why they get destroyed? We need to stop building houses in those places or stop complaining. And stop blaming it on Global Warming!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Heads I win, Tales you Lose

With freezing weather in Florida, and possibly even snow. This past year has been cooler, but no matter what it's global warming. Look at the Washington Times article "Year of global cooling". April freeze destroyed South Carolinas peach crop. Charlotte North Carolina had a record low of 21 degrees in April. June 8th in Denver a record of 31 was set. Oregon had a record that was 12 degrees colder than the previous record. Canadian government predicts this winter will be the coldest in 15 years.

It's driven by ideology not by science. Since when does science say case closed? Science always looks at the data and makes judgements. There isn't enough data to judge anything since the world has been here so long. But it doesn't matter, all they have to believe is "we" are the problem and all we have to do is give them all our money. Global Warming is a Lie

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Interesting Medical Myths

I came across this article in the NY Times and it dispels some of the idiotic myths the media shoves down our throat. They show that the sayings (something like) "if you keep telling a lie a over and over it will be believed as truth" and "there are lies, damn lies and statistics" are true.

New idiotic laws for the new year

With the new year always comes the government trying to rule our lives more and more. So much for living in a free country. Here are some of the idiotic laws for 2008 that take effect in California. We can't talk on our handheld cell phones in the car anymore, can't smoke in our cars with children in it (I don't smoke - actually hate it with a passion; but believe people should be free to do whatever they want).
People that have new cars less than 6 years old will have to pay extra registration to fund alternative fuel research - what a crock! I don't have a new car but when was the last time the government was wise with your money? Do you really think anything will actually come from the $150 million per year? Another bill requires the state to study the effects oftemperature on fuel deliveries. Another waste of time and money. Haven't they heard the debate is over - there is no Global Warming - Global Warming is a Lie!