Monday, December 3, 2007

Hybrid car farce

I do not like this wave of hybrid technology for cars. The internal combustion engine should have died a long time ago. It's ancient technology. I would've thought by now we would be using some sort of hovercraft, sort of like Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. It seems to me that putting two different forms of propulsion together would complicate things more than it already is. Cars are already too complicated, we need to make them simpler and longer-lasting.

I am a big fan of the electric car, not because of the global warming lie. Mainly because they're so simple and need very little maintenance. The government doesn't want them to get popular because they rely so much on the money they get from the gasoline tax and in smog fees. Another reason may be that a lot of automobile repair workers would be out of a job. Businesses don't want them because they are easy to fix, and businesses rely on repair to get you to keep coming back. Look at the software business for example you always have to buy an upgraded version to fix the bad software that they sold you the first place.

The hybrids don't get that much extra gas mileage anyway. The government is already talking about raising taxes because are not using enough gas. No matter what else they come up with, no matter how good they say it is, we will always get the shaft, we will always be the losers.

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