Monday, December 3, 2007

Pay Per Post

I recently came across this opportunity to make a little extra money by just blogging the way I normally do. All I had to do was go to and sign up. Then they have a list of marketplace opportunities that need people to blog about everything under the sun. It is like a broker that provides consumer generated advertising for marketers and pay bloggers to provide opinions and feedback about products, services, web sites and companies. Of course full disclosure is required of you. They have all kinds of categories that you can choose from. You can choose what you blog on and how often you blog, it’s completely up to you. It is a place where you can make friends and learn about all kinds of stuff. You also can have a link on your site where advertisers can contact you directly.

I hope this will enable me to hone my writing skills which will in turn help me earn more and more money so I can help put my children through school. I also need extra money so I can maintain our home. If I even make more money I can go on a well needed and deserved trip with my wife to Hawaii.

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