Thursday, September 13, 2007

PLEASE.....Just STOP!!!

I am getting so sick and tired!! Actually I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! On this morning's news I heard more idiocy. Yet another "study" on cell phone use & the chance of getting cancer. And yet another different result from the other thousand useless studies on the subject. So much money is wasted on these studies and all they want to do is scare you so they can get your money somehow. It's all about the money!

How many times have we been told something is bad for you and then later it's actually good for you? Thousands!

Then I heard another crock. Stop eating meat and you'll help stop Global Warming. This *#@! on Global Warming is the biggest *#$!@*# lie that has ever been perpetuated. A five year old could tell you eating meat has nothing to do with Global Warming. You have to go to college to be so stupid!

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