Friday, September 14, 2007

Again I say . . . STOP! !

I just ate some Cinnamon Life cereal last night and I am mad again. They changed the flavor! And it's not that good! I am very tired of companies being pressured to change products. I've noticed and believe I've heard in the news that cereal companies are changing their formulas.

Honeycomb changed theirs a while ago & I don't like it anymore either. So did Trix. I used to like Trix when I was a kid, but now it's terrible. They've added flavors that don't match.

But the main thing is the few loud idiots spreading lies & myths about health and the companies have no choice but to change out of fear of lawyers & idiotic lawsuits.

It's time to repeal all laws and ban all lawyers from the earth. Maybe we can send them to the space station, well on second thought, there is too many of them, we'll have to build a moon base and send them there.

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