Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hollywood Liberal Bias

It was like the pot calling the kettle black last night on "Boston Legal" on the 2007-08 season fall premiere. I pretty much like the characters on the show but can't stand the liberal claptrap then espouse that defies logic. The lies they tell confirm the acronym GIGO - garbage in - garbage out!

The premise of one of the story lines was oil companies were donating money to colleges to slant studies. They seem to believe the lie that academics are without bias. HUH!!!

The opposition lawyer got liberals right when she said they've been complaining that oil companies don't care about the environment, now when they start caring the liberals complain about that. That's just what they do - the have no ideas, they just "feel" and complain. They just have to look good - how shallow.

There is no Global Warming !!! Common sense should tell you that. The earth has been here for 4000 to 4 million years and we have reliable data for 50 to 100 years which is such a sliver of time any idiot can see you can't predict the future from such a small amount of data. It's all about control - the Democrats & Liberals want to take your freedom! They claim they're the party of choice - HUH!!! As long as you choose their way - sounds like commuism to me.

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