Thursday, January 17, 2008

Playing With Numbers

A few days ago there was a news story about (I believe) Citibank losing billions of dollars from all the foreclosures. I don't believe it because they love to lie to us just so we are scared, they love to play on fear, they are sure they will get their way because we let them scare us. They love to play with numbers, let me explain how I believe they inflate them. Lets say someone bought a house for $150,000, during the 30 years of the mortgage someone will be paying for it they will pay near $450,000 back to the lender. So, now let's say the person can't pay the monthly payment and the bank gets the house and will later sell it probably for near the price of the original loan so with the money the original owner did pay, the bank didn't lose anything or maybe very little. Here's where they make you think they lost a lot of money, they were supposed to get $300,000 over the amount of the loan and they are telling you they lost money they didn't even have in the first place. That's how they scare you. How can you lose money you don't have? I guess I have lost a lot of money because I haven't played the lottery and could have won millions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.