Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Caffeine and Cell Phones

I heard two things on the morning TV shows yesterday that made my blood boil because it was just more idiocy on how they just want to scare us all.

The first was that two studies were contradictory on the effects of caffeine in pregnant women. The body is such a complex organism that what affects one person may not affect another. They seem to think we are all the same and one thing will help or hurt us all. Then I read in the NY Times a headline "Pregnancy Problems Tied to Caffeine" and at eh end of the article a Dr Westhoff is quoted with the true agenda of these researchers “Just interviewing women, over half of whom had already had their miscarriage, does not strike me as the best way to get at the real scientific question here,” she said. “But it is an excellent way to scare women.”

The second was on the effects of cell phone use before you go to sleep. What is the difference in using at any other time of the day. What really got me was the obvious waste of funding for such an idiotic study in the first place. They waste their time studying this when by the time a conclusion is arrived at the technology will have advanced so far that the study will not matter. Are Cell Phone Health Issues Really Settled?

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