Wednesday, July 23, 2008

They're always trying to scare you

I hate it when people lie so much or at least play with numbers to make you think the opposite of what's true.  I may have blogged on this before but it bears repeating.  Cnet ran an article Report: Facebook growing faster than MySpace  that is an example of this.  Who really knows what their point is and it is really inconsequential anyway.  Any time you see growing "faster than", more increase" or similar, they are pulling one over on you.  If I only have one reader of this blog, then I have 5 readers of it, I now have increased 500%, WOW! ! !  Now some other blog went from 100,000 to 200,000, it only increased 200%, they did alot worse, WRONG!  See how they play with numbers to scare you, so don't be scared! ! !

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