Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Democrats do it again

Democrats showed what big babies they are again. They got rid of the embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Why do I always have to hear "the embattled Attorney General"? You don't hear descriptions like that for liberals, only conservatives. They are just mad that the first latino to hold that post was a conservative. Look at what they did to the first black Supreme Court Justice. They want to be first to appoint minorities so they can look good, the don't really care about them, just look at how their policies hurt the minorities & the poor.

I thought it very funny that in the LA Times on the same day Gonzales was forced to step down there was an article titled "Wanted: Latinos to fill federal jobs". I felt like shouting "You just got rid of one you idiots!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Sigh* Yeah the United States benefits from diversity, but we don't want to fill jobs at the expensive of integrity. Gonzales was undermining the separation between the judicial and executive branches. Maybe it's not clear cut to people that live in mono-cultural econo-classes but it is not that difficult to find people to fill public office that are BOTH ethnically diverse and ethical.

Sorry for the necro, but your narrow viewpoint required feedback.